Historic Medicaid Dental Fee Increases in State Budget

Substitute House Bill 33 (State of Ohio Operating Budget) has been enacted by the Ohio General Assembly. The budget includes an increase in funding for Medicaid dental services fees in the amounts of $103,744,375 in FY 2024 and $207,588,751 in FY 2025. This is a total increase of $311,333,126 over the biennium.
This is an historic increase. Medicaid dental service fees in Ohio have not been substantially increased in twenty-three years. The new fees will be effective on January 1, 2024 and are projected to raise the fees by 93%. Among all types of providers, dentists received the largest increase in the budget by far.
Why does this matter to EFDAs? Ohio's dental Medicaid fees have long been among the lowest in the country. As a result, few dentists accept Medicaid patients. The increased funding for dental service fees will likely make it more feasible for dentists to accept Medicaid patients, increasing the access to care throughout the state. That means more patients in your chairs.
The Ohio EFDA Association joined with dental providers in advocating at the Statehouse for this budget provision. As your voice in public policy, we will continue to promote the EFDA profession in Ohio. If you have any questions about this or any other matter of public policy, please contact us.